Friday, July 19, 2013

High Theology

Here are two articles that I find very interesting.  A number of years ago a young man (and relative) who was visiting Christ Lutheran on the way out of church told me, "Our drummer is better than your drummer."  Now this young man was a preteen and I can understand his evaluation.  What is difficult for me to understand is why adults (of any age) choose to evaluate the Divine Service with the same criteria. These two articles show the way forward.

Young Evangelicals Are Getting High by The Christian Pundit

and an article it references

Change wisely, dude by Andrea Palpant Dilley


With this post I'm launching a new effort to publish things that I find significant, interesting or just fun. Theology, Technology, Liturgy, Lutheranism, Christianity, (Very little politics), Art, Music, Fiction, History and everything else is fair game.  If I stray into pop culture, so be it, but only because I find it significant beyond being part of the popular culture.

You can keep up with what I'm currently reading or find interesting whether secular or sacred.  If what I write appears controversial, that was not my intent.

I believe that understanding and enjoyment go together. Life is more than dollars. Thinking true, deep and intellectually robust thoughts can bring spiritual satisfaction. The great Christian thinkers, artists and musicians have left us an inexhaustible store house of treasures. They have understood that ultimate wisdom comes from God in the form of the Sacred Scriptures of Bible. From this font springs more than we can ever think or imagine.

Relax, stay calm and enjoy the ride with me!